Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wake-Up Call

  • Have you ever wondered what it would take for someone to learn something that you thought that they needed to learn?
  • Have you ever been in a position where God was trying to teach you something and you didn't want to listen?

Well, I can hear God loud and clear now. Last week, I was playing basketball and felt my knee pop. I had a M.R.I. and was informed yesterday that I am going to undergo surgery next Thursday. Right in the middle of two projects that are starting that I am leading and I am unable to walk without crutches and am dependent upon others for help. My Boss and Friend asked me what God was trying to teach me. I had no idea at the time but now I understand. Here are a few of the things that I believe God wants me to learn:

  • Learn to Delegate
  • Learn to Slow Down
  • Learn to Think before I Speak
  • Learn to Trust Others
  • Learn to Make Time for God
  • Realize that I am not Superman or Super pastor
  • Realize that I need to be more Humble and less Prideful

If you feel that God is trying to teach you something, listen. Don't learn the hard way!