Friday, November 5, 2010


Several times in my life, I have been called egotistical, arrogant or proud. Now, I do not really think that I fit any of these words but I guess that some people feel that is how I come across. However, there is a big difference in not being arrogant and actually being humble.

Humility is something that I struggle with because I believe that to be humble means to admit that you need help. I have no problem admitting to God that I need help but sometimes I have a real problem asking others for help. Maybe it's because I am male or maybe I have this feeling inside of me that wants to help others but never admit that I need help myself.

Over the past few months, I have learned to humble myself before lots and lots of people and say that I need your help. My wife and I are in the middle of adopting two beautiful children from Russia and the money needed for the adoption is great. We had some wise friends that have adopted several children advise us to ask for help. I remember well Kat and I leaving that meeting and both of us thought that asking others to help us was not something that we felt comfortable with.

God changed our minds. I think that maybe that was the day that I became a parent. I thought more about my children and how to get them home than I did about myself or asking others to help us. We sent a letter to a few friends and asked them to help and God showed up. Friends, family and people that we didn't even know gave us items for a yard sale. Praise God because we raised enough from the yard sale to buy our remaining plane tickets. Literally, the people that helped with our yard sale are responsible for bringing our children home.

However, the humbleness did not stop there. God continues to work on my heart. We were asked to submit our story to an online magazine to raise awareness about November being Orphan Awareness Month.  Then we were told that for every person that comments on our story, we receive $2 to go towards our adoption.

Above is the link to our story.

God did not stop here. A friend of ours and the lady that cuts Kat hair wanted to help. She decided to have a Cut-a-Thon at her shop, Envy. She will give all of the money raised to our adoption fund. This event will take place Sunday November 14 from 1-4 p.m. She and some her associates will do trims and eyebrow waxes.

I was sure that God was through but he was not. A lady that my wife and I have never met wanted to help. She decided to have one of those 31 parties. So she set up an online party where people can go and shop and we get part of the proceeds to help with our adoption. This same lady had her house burn down within the last few months and she lost everything.

Humbled. I am Humbled.

On top of all of this, people have been giving us cash donations. It is so difficult to accept money from people. I have seen God through so many people from helping with our yard sale, donating items, bringing gifts to our shower, kind words of encouragement, donations, helping get the word out for our fundraisers and so many other ways that I can not even remember right now.


And I believe that God has humbled me the most seeing so many people care for and pray for our children without even meeting them. I believe that our children will hopefully never doubt for a second they are loved because of the kindness that you have shared during these past few months.

I sit here in awe of God and the people that I call my friends.

"All of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time (1 Peter 5:5-6)."


Ber Bolton said...

Derek -

I can so relate. It is very hard to accept help, especially when you want to be the one helping. A wise person once told me that when you deny someone the opportunity to help you, you are also denying them a blessing from God for helping you out. Who am I to shut someone out of their blessing? :)

Jodi said...


I understand completely. It is hard to aske for and accept help. Just as Ber said - a wise person told me the same thing - I wonder if it was the same person? GOd is providing for you, Kat and those beautiful babies . . . what a blessing that must be for HIM!