Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Owning your own Sin

As I read Blue Like Jazz, I was struck by this statement made by author Donald Miller. He says, "The entire world is falling apart because nobody will admit they are wrong. But by asking God to forgive you, you are willing to own your own crap."

The words of Donald just swam through my mind and coursed through my veins. Our world is falling apart because we can't admit that we are wrong. This statement is so true. Too often we become so consumed at pointing out the flaws of others that we do not see our own miserable failures. We are a society that is quick to become defensive and even quicker to become offensive.

We spend way too much of our time concerned about other's issues. I feel challenged to take a look in the mirror and humbly admit to our Heavenly Father my "own crap" where I have fallen short. What would our world look like if more people were able to confess their own failures instead of looking around for someone to blame?